Diamond Wood and Shaw
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Structural and Civil Engineers

Delivering a wide range of services from simple structural inspections & feasibility studies to fully designed & detailed structural and infrastructure schemes.

Diamind Wood and Shaw


Bruntingthorpe Innovation Park

  • Client: Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground
  • Contractor:Westleigh Developments Limited

Bruntingthorpe Innovation Park consists of the proposed development of three new contemporary research and development facilities related to the customisation of vehicles within the car industry. This is the first stage in the redevelopment of a larger 30 acre site on the former cold war airfield by Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground management and Westleigh Developments.Barrel vaulted roofs, curtain walling and flat panelled composite cladding, provide dynamic and attractive elevations to suit the site setting.

The clear internal heights of all three buildings will be 6m at the perimeter with the clear internal height at the top of the barrel being a maximum of 7.4m.

The perceived height has been reduced by the use of brickwork to dado cill height and horizontally spanning panels, broken up with contrasting vertically spanning materials in panelled areas, in order to punctuate the length of the facades.

The designs of all three buildings are bespoke to suit the particular requirements of the end users, whilst maintaining a continuity of form and appearance, and utilise steel portal frames with suspended upper floors of composite profiled metal decking and cast in situ concrete. Allowances for future expansion and extension are built into the design.

There is a BREEAM target of ‘Very Good’ for all buildings, and further energy efficient and sustainable design features include the use of natural light and energy efficient lighting systems, controlling heat loss through airitightness and a sustainable drainage system (SUDS).

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Crown Crest, Kirby Muxloe

  • Client: Crown Crest plc

Crown Crest required a new depot to supply its chain of Poundstretcher stores.

The Kirby Muxloe warehouse has been built on the former 36-acre TI Tubes site, and comprises a 470,000m2 building consisting of two-span steel portal framed building, 97m wide by 490m long.

An existing 290,000 sq ft building on the site has already been refurbished

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Crown Crest, Kirby Muxloen

Marina Court, Tungsten Park, Hinckley

  • Client: Tungsten Properties Limited
  • Architect: RG & P Limited
Tungsten Properties RGP Logo

Marina Court forms one part of the overall Tungsten Park mixed use industrial and commercial centre developed by Tungsten Properties Limited adjacent to the Ashby Canal in Hinckley, Leicestershire.

Flexibility of accommodation is provided internally with the potential to vary partition walls to sub-divide units.

A shutter door is provided to the front elevation of each unit, together with full height glazing. The individual units generally comprise single span, diagonally braced, barrel-vaulted portal framed buildings approximately 40m long x 16m wide and a height to eaves of 6.3m with lightweight gable frames with a profiled metal cladding system throughout.

Lateral stability is provided by portal-frame action together with horizontal wind girders within the roof plane to limit eaves deflections due to the glazing panels. Lateral forced are transferred to foundation level by vertical diagonal bracing.

The floor slab is ground-bearing and traditional pad foundations are adopted throughout.

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Marina Court, Hinckley