Diamond Wood and Shaw
Welcome to DWS Consulting Engineers
Structural and Civil Engineers

Delivering a wide range of services from simple structural inspections & feasibility studies to fully designed & detailed structural and infrastructure schemes.

Diamind Wood and Shaw

Our Services

Structural Engineering

Within our Structural Engineering services we undertake designs for buildings ranging between domestic extensions to multi-storey new developments.

We undertake the design for all elements of the structure from foundations to roof, utilising the most appropriate, efficient and cost-effective structural form, whether steel, concrete, masonry or timber.

We undertake external works designs incorporating retaining walls in all forms, domestic footbridges, culverts and associated below-ground works.

We undertake component designs for steelwork connections, aluminium curtain walling and fixing systems.

We undertake feasibility studies to assist with formulation of cost plans and tender proposals.

We utilise the most appropriate design methodology to suit the individual project, including CAD software, 3D design modelling and draughting services as required.

We operate across the majority of building sectors, including Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Retail, Leisure, Education and Ecclesiastical.

Structural Inspections & Building Refurbishments

We undertake Structural Inspections for all types of existing buildings, including private domestic dwellings, industrial units, commercial properties, educational buildings and healthcare properties.

We undertake methodical visual assessments of damage to determine cause and make recommendations for remedial repair works. We arrange and supervise monitoring and intrusive investigations to determine structural form and mechanisms causing movement.

We assess existing premises for change of use and for repair and refurbishment

Infrastructure Engineering

Our Infrastructure Engineering section undertakes design and detailing of all aspects of road, pavement and drainage for new development sites, including assessment of optimum levels and setting out for new roads,

The most appropriate materials are specified in accordance with loading requirements and compliance with Building Regulations, Water Authorities and adoption Standards for Highways

We undertake foul and surface water drainage designs to optimise flow and discharge rates in accordance with statutory authority flow reduction requirements. Infiltration and other Sustainable Drainage Systems, (SuDS), are used where feasible to comply with CIRIA Report 156 and the SUDS Manual.

We utilise appropriate design software such as Windes Microdrainage and PDS Design Suite to optimise designs.

We undertake Flood Risk Assessments and Code for Sustainable Homes SUR1 template design, together with drainage feasibility studies.

To accompany our designs we apply for all necessary statutory agreements, including:

  • Section 38 Agreements for Highway Adoptions
  • Section 184 Agreements for New Accesses
  • Section 104 Agreements for New Drainage Adoption
  • Section 106 Agreements for New Connections
  • Section 185 Agreements for Sewer Diversions